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35 Leask Lane, Manitowaning,

Ontario, P0P1N0, Canada 


Tel: 705-859-3262


For general enquiries and further information, please contact us:

Thank you for contacting us. We have recieved your message and will respond as soon as possible.



Using Google Maps or a GPS

Search "Black Rock Resort".

Do not search "35 Leask Lane" - it will direct you to the wrong location in Wikwemikong (20 minutes away).

Double check with this map to make sure your directions are correct when using a GPS.


Follow Our Directions: 

From South Bay

- Drive along highway 6 for approximately 15 minutes

- We are located past the cemetery down the first major side road on the right called "Cowan's Side Road" 

- If you see Rainbow Gardens on the right you've gone too far 


From Little Current

- Drive along highway 6 out of Little Current towards Manitowaning

-  Continue past Manitowaning for approximately 7 minutes

- We are located past Rainbow Gardens down the first major side road on the left called "Cowan's Side Road"

- If you see a cemetery on your left you've gone too far 


Please do not hesitate to call us if you get lost along the way. 


Chi-Cheemaun Ferry Service (or drive around!) 

Remember to book your passage if you decide to access Manitoulin through Tobermory. There is a cost to using the ferry, you can check their website for the current schedule and fares. 

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